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prepare_solution() calculates helper columns from an astronomical solution input.


prepare_solution(data, quiet = FALSE)



A data frame with the following columns:

  • t Time \(t\) (days).

  • ee Eccentricity \(e\) (unitless).

  • lph Longitude of perihelion \(\varpi\) (degrees).

  • lan Longitude of the ascending node \(\Omega\) (degrees).

  • inc Inclination \(I\) (degrees).

The easiest way to get this is with get_solution().


Be quiet?

  • If TRUE, hide info messages.

  • If FALSE (the default) print info messages and timing.


A tibble with the new columns added.


New columns include:

  • lphu Unwrapped longitude of perihelion \(\varpi\) (degrees without jumps).

  • lanu Unwrapped longitude of the ascending node \(\Omega\) (degrees without jumps).

  • hh Variable: \(e\sin(\varpi)\).

  • kk Variable: \(e\cos(\varpi)\).

  • pp Variable: \(2\sin(0.5I)\sin(\Omega)\).

  • qq Variable: \(2\sin(0.5I)\cos(\Omega)\).

  • cc Helper: \(\cos(I)\).

  • dd Helper: \(\cos(I)/2\).

  • nnx, nny, nnz The \(x\), \(y\), and \(z\)-components of the Earth's orbit unit normal vector \(\vec{n}\), normal to Earth's instantaneous orbital plane.

See also